A fundamental aspect are GEAL’s continuos investments regarding the environment, the security of its workforce, as well as the quality of its products.
All powder coating processes have the QUALICOAT certification; whilst the “sublicromia” process the QUALICOAT & QUALIDECO, the anodizing process the QUALANOD certification, and last but not least the wood covering process has the CATAS Institute certification.
Since the year 2000 GEAL S.p.A. has been in a state of continuous evolution, and development, by implementing the quality management program UNI EN ISO 9001, followed in 2006 by the environmental management process UNI EN ISO 14001, as well as EMAS. This last one is obtained by implementing a rigorous environmental policy.
With this in mind, GEAL S.p.A. has gone through an evolutionary phase that translated into a state of the art environmental policy.
All liquid fuels that were used, were substituted by methane gas, and the tanks where this liquids were kept, have been removed.
Subsequently a complete renovation of the powder coating facility took place, resulting in a visible benefit towards the environment, as well as the workplace, and the surrounding area.
In 2009 following a great technical effort, all Hexavalent Chromium products, which are quite toxic & were still present in some of the powder coating pre-treatment processes , were substituted with Trivalent Chromium products that represent no health risks.
In 2010 the renewal of the roofing in eternity slates took place in our Barberino di Mugello headquarters. Subsequently GEAL S.p.A. installed a series of photovoltaic cells of 400 Kw, that cover almost 70% of our energy needs.
At the same time a new security management system was implemented, certified according to norm BS OHSAS 18001.
Our main objective is to respect the environment. In 2013 a new facility to recycle, and re-use rain water has been installed, and a new project to build a zero emissions sewer system therefore limiting the use of water resources.
GEAL S.p.A. has focused in the environmental issues regarding it’s urban reality, on all of it’s production facilities. This is part of the GEAL mentality, whom will continue to evolve in this direction for years to come.
A constant goal at GEAL S.p.A. is the continuous search for solutions that benefit our customers. The HP System SLIM profile, the profile with minimal ......
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Geal S.p.a - estrusione e lavorazioni alluminio