Sublicromia (Heat transfer film process)

Final décor

GEAL SpA was one of the first Italian companies to have a sublicromia plant, acquiring therefore a know - how that allows us to offer our clients a finished product of elevated quality.


The plants is located in the Cairo Montenotte (SV) facility, on a surface of 700 Sq m, and with a productivity of almost 30 quintals / shift.


The sublicromia or heat transfer film process, consists in transferring an ink decoration from a paper or nylon support, to a specific paint that is applied on various products through thermal treatment. Such decoration is transferred into the paint, thus protecting it from external agents offering a long-lasting duration.


The paint is applied onto the mill finish product (bars, accessories, panels etc.), which can be adapted for several decorations. In addition, to every single product a support with the design is applied in order to reach every part of the product.


This type of process is quite delicate, because if the product is not treated properly, the product cannot be re-used. Such phase is in the hands of our highest qualified personnel, who control every step of it. Once this phase is finished the product is placed in an oven at a specific temperature allowing the final transfer of the decor, successively controlled with reference samples, after this we can be sure that it has passed all quality controls, and can be ready for packaging & shipping.


Every product used during this process is marked according to QUALICOAT - QUALIDECO norms, allowing GEAL SpA to offer it’s clients the highest quality products.


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