HP System 700.60th


This is our thermal break  top of the line system, by improving it’s main characteristics which are similar to the HP600 system.

Our technical team was able to improve such system by increasing the profile width, thus making it quite performing as the HP 600.

The HP 700 system is complete & customizable system, which guarantees above average energy saving values, as well as cost effective features.



The HP700 along with the HPSLIM are one of the best systems that GEAL can offer it’s clients, regarding energy saving features.

By placing special polystyrene bars inside the profiles, thermal transmittance values can be visibly improved, making the HP700 the ideal system for places with particularly rigid climates.




Along with the HP600 system, the wide range of available profiles gives the HP700 system the possibility to satisfy any aesthetically or functional need, adapting itself to the client’s taste.


Product specifications:

Valore Uf



Valore Uw



Permeabilità dell'aria



Tenuta dell'acqua



Resistenza al vento



Lega utilizzata per il sistema


6060 (UNI EN 573)

Stato di fornitura


T5 (UNI EN 515)

Tolleranze dimensionali e Spessori


UNI 3879 per profilati & UNI 9049 per guarnizioni

Profondità anta


70 mm

Profondità telaio


62 mm

Sistema di vetrazione


Vetro a infilare-fermavetri a scatto & con clips

Altezza sede vetro


22 mm

Larghezza sede vetro


Variabile secondo fermavetro e guarnizioni impiegate

Ingombro anta / telaio


91.5 mm

Ingombro centrale T / Z


142 mm

Elemento di tenuta


Giunto Aperto-Doppia Guarnizione di Battuta

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Double news for the HP System SLIM series

A constant goal at GEAL S.p.A. is the continuous search for solutions that benefit our customers. The HP System SLIM profile, the profile with minimal ......

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